8 research outputs found

    Дослідження повторюваного спалаху FRB 121102 як випромінювання від каспу на надпровідній космічній струні

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    Cosmic strings are topological defects, relicts of the early Universe, which can be formed during phase transitions of fields with spontaneous broken symmetry. It was shown that extragalactic fast radio bursts could be explained as radiation from superconducting cosmic strings. In our framework, FRB 121102 was investigated as first discovered repeating fast radio burst. For several groups of bursts events, it was obtained a parameter, which characterizes a possible radiation source – cosmic string loop, specifically, the energy scale of phase transition during which the string was formedКосмические струны – топологические дефекты, реликты ранней Вселенной, которые могли формироваться во время фазовых переходов полей со спонтанно нарушенной симметрией. Было показано, что внегалактические быстрые радиовспышки можно объяснить как излучение от сверхпроводящих космических струн. В рамках нашей модели было исследовано FRB 121102 – первый открытый повторяющийся быстрый радиовсплеск. Для нескольких групп событий всплесков был получен параметр, характеризующий возможный источник излучения – петлю космической струны, а именно энергетический масштаб фазового перехода, во время которого струна образоваласьКосмічні струни – топологічні дефекти, релікти раннього Всесвіту, які могли формуватися під час фазових переходів полів зі спонтанно порушеною симетрією. Було показано, що позагалактичні швидкі радіоспалахи можна пояснити як випромінювання від надпровідних космічних струн. У рамках нашої моделі було досліджено FRB 121102 – вперше зареєстрований повторюваний швидкий радіоспалах. Для кількох груп подій спалаху був отриманий параметр, який характеризує можливе джерело випромінювання – петлю космічної струни, а саме енергетичний масштаб фазового переходу, під час якого дана струна утворилас


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    The article dedicated to the problem of the diagnostic value of morphological changes in gastroesophageal reflux disease in the biopsy of the distal esophagus in pubertal children of childbearing age. Aim of the research is to investigate the diagnostic value of morphological changes in gastroesophageal reflux disease in esophageal biopsy material in adolescents sickly with acute respiratory diseases. Methodology. The objective of the study was achieved through examination of 90 adolescents (10 to 16 years old, average age 13.1±3.54 years) kept under observation at the Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 9 of Kyiv and on the basis of the Department of Pediatrics No. 1 Center of Primary Health Care No. 4 of the Desnianskyi district of Kyiv. All adolescents belonged to the group of sickly with a number of respiratory diseases averaging 6-8 times a year, lasting from 8 to 18 days (on average 12.8±5.41 days). All children have undergone endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum with the esophagus mucosa biopsy using the OLYMPUS GIF-P3 flexible fiberscope. Results. It was found that the least valuable diagnostic feature in the morphological examination of the mucous membrane of the distal esophagus in the pain-causing children with GERD was thickening of the epithelium with a sensitivity of 13,0 %, a specificity of 96.0 %, and total value of 65.0 %. It has been proved that hyperplasia of cells of the basal layer of the mucous membrane of the distal esophagus at the GERD in the infected children is 46.7 % (specificity – 93.3 %, the total value is 75.6 %). Increase in the number of papillae and their prolongation in 33.3 % cases (sensitivity – 33.3 %, specificity – 93.3 %, overall diagnostic value – 70.8 %). Conclusion. The peculiarity of the morphological manifestations of GERD in childbearing children is dystrophic changes in keratocytes in the superficial parts of the multilayer squamous epithelium, which are detected at 100.0 % of patients (specificity is 93.3 %, total value is 96.8 %), with parakeratosis centers at 13.3 % of cases. It has been shown that a frequent and diagnostically valuable indication is inflammatory infiltration of the esophageal mucosa, which are verified in all cases (100.0 %, with dilatation and hyperemia in 46.7 % of patients (specificity – 40.0 %, total value – 81.3 %)

    Training of future teachers of natural sciences for the use of information and communication technologies in their professional activities

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    Today, an important aspect of future teachers training, in particular, natural sciences, is the usage of innovative technologies and approaches in the educational process of higher education institutions. The features of training future teachers of natural sciences using information and communication technologies are considered. The general global trends in the development of informatization of education are highlighted: expansion of the scope of use new information technologies.The principles of using information and communication technologies in the educational process are highlighted: the principle of visibility; the principle of expediency; the principle of systematicity and consistency; the principle of strength of knowledge; the principle of accessibility; the principle of individualization; the principle of connecting theory with practice; the principle of multimedia; the principle of interactivity. Online tools are highlighted to enable the use of innovative technologies for teaching future teachers of natural sciences. It is noted that in the educational system there are applications and information and communication technologies that widely used in the education system: word supercomputers, databases, demonstration programs, catalogue organization schemes, planners, graphic packages, etc

    Ukrainian: Коза-Дереза [Koza-dereza] The Bully Goat

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    The Bully Goat is a Ukrainian folktale that tells a story about a mean and cunning goat. Through her tricks she turned an old man away from his sons and his wife. When he finally realized how bad and manipulative she was it was too late! And then she marched right into the little rabbit’s house and took it over! Many animals tried to get her to leave. Which one of them managed to chase the bully goat away? Listen on to find out!https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/globalstorytelling/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Use of innovative technologies in teaching foreign languages

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    1. Впровадження інноваційних педагогічних технологій у навчальний процес. URL: http://www.gidromet.edu.kh.ua/Files/downloads/%D1%96%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0 %B2%D0% BE%D0% B3%D1%96%D1%86%D1%96.pdf. 2. Інноваційні технології в сучасному освітньому просторі: колективна монографія / За заг. редакцією Г.Л. Єфремової. Суми: Вид-во СумДПУ імені А.С. Макаренка, 2021. 444 с. URL: http://repositsc.nuczu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/14608/1/MonPaluch.pdf. 3. Захарчук Т. Інноваційні технології навчання в сучасній школі. Український науковий журнал «Освіта регіону». URL: https://social-science.uu.edu.ua/article/263. 4. Химинець В.В. Інноваційна освітня діяльність. Ужгород: Інформаційно- видавничий центр ЗІППО, 2007. 364 с. 5. Химинець В.В. Інноваційна освітня діяльність. URL: https://www.zakinppo.org..ua/postati/112-kafedra-pedagogiki-psihologiyi-ta-teoriyiupravlinn/ publikatsiyi-himinets-vv/151-innovatsijna-osvitnja-dijalnist. 6. Шевченко О.М. Інноваційні підходи у викладанні іноземних мов. URL: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/200102238.pdf.У ХХІ столітті інноваційні технології стрімко увійшли в усі галузі нашого життя, перш за все, в освітню галузь. У зв’язку з цим виникла нагальна потреба використання інноваційних технологій в сучасному освітньому просторі. Викладання іноземної мови з використанням інноваційних технологій – один із способів оптимізації та урізноманітнення сучасного навчального процесу.In the 21st century, innovative technologies rapidly entered all areas of our life, first of all, in the educational sector. In connection with this, there was an urgent need to use innovative technologies in the modern educational space. Teaching a foreign language using innovative technologies is one of the ways to optimize and diversify the modern educational process

    Unruh Effect and Information Entropy Approach

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    The Unruh effect can be considered a source of particle production. The idea has been widely employed in order to explain multiparticle production in hadronic and heavy-ion collisions at ultrarelativistic energies. The attractive feature of the application of the Unruh effect as a possible mechanism of the multiparticle production is the thermalized spectra of newly produced particles. In the present paper, the total entropy generated by the Unruh effect is calculated within the framework of information theory. In contrast to previous studies, here the calculations are conducted for the finite time of existence of the non-inertial reference frame. In this case, only a finite number of particles are produced. The dependence on the mass of the emitted particles is taken into account. Analytic expression for the entropy of radiated boson and fermion spectra is derived. We study also its asymptotics corresponding to low- and high-acceleration limiting cases. The obtained results can be further generalized to other intrinsic degrees of freedom of the emitted particles, such as spin and electric charge


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    The article dedicated to the problem of the diagnostic value of morphological changes in gastroesophageal reflux disease in the biopsy of the distal esophagus in pubertal children of childbearing age.Aim of the research is to investigate the diagnostic value of morphological changes in gastroesophageal reflux disease in esophageal biopsy material in adolescents sickly with acute respiratory diseases.Methodology. The objective of the study was achieved through examination of 90 adolescents (10 to 16 years old, average age 13.1±3.54 years) kept under observation at the Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 9 of Kyiv and on the basis of the Department of Pediatrics No. 1 Center of Primary Health Care No. 4 of the Desnianskyi district of Kyiv. All adolescents belonged to the group of sickly with a number of respiratory diseases averaging 6-8 times a year, lasting from 8 to 18 days (on average 12.8±5.41 days). All children have undergone endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum with the esophagus mucosa biopsy using the OLYMPUS GIF-P3 flexible fiberscope.Results. It was found that the least valuable diagnostic feature in the morphological examination of the mucous membrane of the distal esophagus in the pain-causing children with GERD was thickening of the epithelium with a sensitivity of 13,0 %, a specificity of 96.0 %, and total value of 65.0 %. It has been proved that hyperplasia of cells of the basal layer of the mucous membrane of the distal esophagus at the GERD in the infected children is 46.7 % (specificity – 93.3 %, the total value is 75.6 %). Increase in the number of papillae and their prolongation in 33.3 % cases (sensitivity – 33.3 %, specificity – 93.3 %, overall diagnostic value – 70.8 %).Conclusion. The peculiarity of the morphological manifestations of GERD in childbearing children is dystrophic changes in keratocytes in the superficial parts of the multilayer squamous epithelium, which are detected at 100.0 % of patients (specificity is 93.3 %, total value is 96.8 %), with parakeratosis centers at 13.3 % of cases. It has been shown that a frequent and diagnostically valuable indication is inflammatory infiltration of the esophageal mucosa, which are verified in all cases (100.0 %, with dilatation and hyperemia in 46.7 % of patients (specificity – 40.0 %, total value – 81.3 %)